January 14, 2014
By Paskal Mbunga, Tanga      January 14, 2014.
The Tanga Regional Manager of an institution which lends funds to small scale entrepreneurs, BRAC has said his institution will not compromise with any staff found indulging in corrupt  practices.
The Manager, Prodip Laskar was speaking to reporters today when elaborating on rumours that some of the staff in the branch offices are asking for ‘kick backs’ from clients before they are endorsed for payment of the loans.
Laskar said the allegations on named list of staff which had reached his office will be worked on immediately without delay and promised to cooperate with any source from outside who is willing to expose the corrupt staff.
There are wide spread allegations that registered members in the institution when they ask for loans, they are asked for a ten per cent commission.
BRAC members in Amboni, a village in the outskirts of the city had told reporters that they are asked for a ten per cent commission from the community organizer who is literally known as Mwalimu wa darasa.
Mwalimu Vero as she is popularly known in Amboni, is the community organizer (CO) who teaches the BRAC members on how to keep their financial dealings in good shape and manage their small scale businesses.
According to reliable sources, the BRAC members are each entitled to pay one shilling per week for the salary of the community organizer when she comes to teach them.
It is these community organizers who are the ones who scrutinize applications of clients who want to take loans from the institution. At this stage when one’s application is ripe for the loan, it is alleged that the CO (Mwalimu wa Darasa) approaches the applicants and proposes for a ten per cent commission to expedite the loan processing, alleging that the amount will be shared between the CO and the branch Manager.
A loan applicant told reporters how the scam is operated. She explained that when you ask for example, a loan of 600,000/=, you are then asked for a ten percent which is roundabout 50,000/= which is to be delivered to the CO immediately after you have received the loan.
The Regional BRAC Manager disclosed that he has fired three staff for asking bribes from clients.

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