On the 20th August,
2014, Mwaya village, in Ulanga district, Morogoro came to a standstill
as the president of the United Republic of Tanzania; HE Dr Jakaya Mrisho
Kikwete was visiting WLF-supported Mwaya Health Centre.
A team of experts and technicians led by the Deputy Clinical Director of World Lung Foundation, Dr Sunday
Alfred Dominico demonstrated before the president various ICT solutions
that have been developed by the foundation to supplement other
interventions in reducing maternal and new-born mortality.
The president witnessed one of the
teleconference in which, various health care providers working in
remote hard-to-reach areas of Tanzania where connected to the clinical
director, Dr Hamed Mohamed in Dar es Salaam. A clinical case operated at
Mwaya Health Centre was shared and discussed. Dr Kikwete, accompanied
by the first lady Mama Salma Kikwete, applauded World Lung Foundations
efforts in comprehensively implementing Tanzania’s sharpened one plan.
Commenting at the event, Minister
of State in the President’s Office for Public Service Management, HE,
Selina Kombani(Ulanga East MP)commended World Lung Foundation’s work at
Mwaya, including constructing modern state-of-the-art staff houses,
theatre, maternity wing, water well, laboratory and equipping the
facility with generators, solar systems and surgical equipments, drugs
and supplies.
Mwaya health centre is one of the
15 facilities supported by World Lung Foundation, in Kigoma, Pwani and
Morogoro. The foundation, led by the Director Dr. Nguke Mwakatundu,
implements a maternal health project that is based on decentralizing
life serving Emergency Obstetric Care to remote facilities beyond
district hospital and tasking shifting of these skills to non-physician