TBL, CRDB Bank Foundation collaborate on pre-financing barley farming for the 2024 agricultural season

April 11, 2024


Tanzania Breweries Limited (TBL), one of Tanzania’s top manufacturers and employers and a key partner in the socio-economic development of the country, has today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the CRDB Bank Foundation to collaboratively implement the Barley Farming Pre-financing Seed Capital Scheme.

This collaboration, rooted in TBL's Smart Agriculture Initiative, represents a key milestone in the company's efforts to promote sustainable farming practices and empower local communities across Tanzania.

The TBL’s Smart Agriculture Initiative aims to equip 100% of its direct farmers by 2025, ensuring they are skilled, connected, and financially empowered. By focusing on cultivating sorghum, barley, and grapes, which are essential resources for TBL's operations, the initiative directly supports farmers in enhancing productivity and leveraging natural resources efficiently.
With excitement for the collaboration, Michelle Kilpin, Tanzania Breweries Limited Managing Director, said: “By combining the efforts of both TBL and CRDB Bank Foundation, the partnership aims to significantly boost the barley sector and enhance the economic welfare of small-holder farmers in Tanzania. 

I believe our partnership is a good example of how collaboration can play a positive role in bringing about positive change and creating value for various stakeholders. Having reached this milestone today, we are confident that it will be the catalyst for similar activities across the country, and we believe that this initiative will be an inspiration to others.”
Through this alliance with the CRDB Bank Foundation, TBL seeks to integrate financially empowered criteria into its smart agriculture framework, enabling farmers to adopt sustainable practices that promote environmental stewardship and reduce reliance on chemical inputs. 

This partnership underscores TBL's broader commitment to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 2, which emphasizes achieving zero hunger; SDG 12, for responsible consumption and production; SDG 13, for climate action; and SDG 17, to enhance partnership for the goals.

The Foundation’s initiative, named the iMbeju program, aims to boost the barley sector and enhance the economic welfare of small-holder farmers across Manyara, Karatu, and Monduli Districts for the 2024 agriculture season. The TBL and CRDB Bank Foundation aspire to drive long-term sustainability and resilience in the agriculture sector.
The CRDB Bank Foundation Managing Director, Ms. Tully Esther Mwambapa, says the iMbeju program has been on the market for almost a year now and has attracted a huge number of youth and women, its primary target. To date, she says that the program, which involves financial literacy training and the provision of seed capital, has trained around 250,000 women and offered seed capital to the tune of TZS 5 billion.

“We both seek to enhance sustainable agricultural practices through empowering our farmers. Once farmers are financially stable, production will more than double in all key produce, stabilize our food safety, and increase surpluses for local trading and export. This will have a positive impact on our GDP, where agriculture contributes a lion’s share,” she narrated.
Under this affiliation, farmers will have timely access to agricultural inputs, be exposed to smart technology utilization, and receive comprehensive training, all of which are going to boost yields and improve incomes for farming families. 

Furthermore, the effort fosters economic growth and rural prosperity in Tanzania by supporting community development.
Through the collaboration, TBL and the CRDB Bank Foundation will be providing capacity-building programs, seed capital, insurance coverage, the supply of essential agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and agrochemicals, and support for cost-effective harvesting logistics. The goal is not only to boost barley production but also to equip farming communities with the necessary tools and knowledge for sustainable agricultural practices and financial management.
The MoU includes a comprehensive framework for collaboration, detailing roles, responsibilities, and operational mechanisms to ensure the scheme’s success. 

TBL and the CRDB Bank Foundation will work together to deliver on commitments around the following:
Community Development: By prioritizing livelihood improvement, the program contributes to broader community development, fostering economic growth, food security, and rural prosperity.

Sustainable Agricultural Practices: By promoting smart agriculture and financially empowering farmers, the program encourages sustainable practices that protect the environment and reduce chemical inputs.
Capacity Building: The partnership facilitates the transfer of financial literacy knowledge and skills to local farmers, empowering them to make informed decisions and adapt to evolving agricultural practices and market demands.

Increased Yields and Incomes: Through timely access to agricultural inputs, smart technology utilization, and training, farmers can enhance productivity, leading to higher yields and improved incomes for their families.

CRDB Bank Foundation, SUGECO kuwezesha mafunzo kwa vitendo kwa wahitimu 2,500 nje ya nchi

April 11, 2024


Katika kufungua fursa za kuongeza umahiri katika fani zao, Taasisi ya CRDB Bank Foundation kwa kushirikiana na Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO) imesaini mkataba wa miaka mitatu kuwawezesha zaidi ya wahitimu 2,500 wa Chuo Kikuu cha Kilimo cha Sokoine (SUA).

Akizungumza kwenye hafla ya utiaji saini makubaliano hayo, Mkurugenzi wa Mawasiliano wa Benki ya CRDB na Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa CRDB Bank Foundation, Tully Esther Mwambapa amesema kwa zaidi ya mwaka mmoja sasa taasisi yake imekuwa ikitekeleza Program ya Imbeju inayotoa mafunzo ya ujasiriamali pamoja na mtaji wezeshi kwa vijana na wanawake.
Tangu walipofungua dirisha la maombi mwaka mmoja uliopita, vijana 709 walijitokeza na kati yao, asilimia 40 kati yao walitoka katika sekta ya kilimo ambayo inaongoza kwa kuliingizia taifa fedha za kigeni huku ikilihakikishia taifa chakula cha kutosha kwa mwaka mzima. 

Kwa kushirikiana na wabia, Tully amesema kilimo kinapewa msisitizo zaidi kwa kutambua mchango wake katika kuliingizia taifa fedha za kigeni, kutoa ajira kwa Watanzania pamoja na kuihakikishia Tanzania usalama wa chakula.
“SUGECO ni mbia wetu mpya katika uwezeshaji wa vijana hasa wanaojihusisha na kilimo. Kwa kutambua umuhimu wa mafunzo kwa vitendo katikakuwajengea uwezo vijana, CRDB Bank Foundation imetenga Euro milioni 24 sawa na Shilingi bilioni 67 kwa ajili ya programu hii zitakazotolewa ndani ya miaka mitatu ya ushirikiano wetu na SUGECO ili kuwaandaa vijana mahiri watakaoajiria au kujiajiri kwenye sekta ya kilimo,” amesema Tully. 

Tangu kuanzishwa kwake, SUGECO huwapeleka nje ya nchi wahitimu wa SUA hasa katika mataifa ya Ulaya, Amerika na Asia ambako hujifunza namna nzuri ya kufanya kilimo chenye tija lakini mchakato huo huhitaji fedha za awali kumwezesha mhitimu husika kujiandaa ipasavyo.

Kwa mwaka huu wa kwanza, Tully amesema wanatarajia kuwawezesha zaidi ya wahitimu 2,500 kwa kati ya dola 3,500 za Marekani (shilingi milioni 8.7) mpaka dola 4,500 (shilingi milioni 11.29) zinazotosha kwa mahitaji yao yanayojumuisha gharama za pasi ya kusafiria, visa pamoja na fedha ya kujikimu kabla ya kuanza kulipwa huko waendako.

“Mpango wa uwezeshaji baada ya mafunzo pia umeshaandaliwa kwa kushirikiana na SUGECO pamoja na USAID kwa kutenga maeneo maalum ya kuwekeza katika kilimo cha kisasa, na chenye tija zaidi. Taasisi yetu imejipanga kikamilifu pia katika hatua hiyo ya pili ya uwezeshaji kwa kutoa mitaji wezeshi, pamoja kuwapa mafunzo ya ujasirimali,” amesisitiza Tully.
Kwa upande wake, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa SUGECO, Ndugu Revocatus Kimario amesema ushirikiano na Taasisi ya CRDB Bank Foundation utaongeza idadi ya wanufaika kwa kiasi kikubwa kwani mwaka jana waliweza kuwapeleka vijana 500 tu kupata mafunzo hayo kwa vitendo nje ya nchi ili kupata elimu na kujengewa uwezo zaidi katika kilimo, fani ambazo wamezisomea.

“Ushirikiano huu, tunaamini utakuwa na tija kubwa kwani ili ufanye biashara endelevu ni muhimu kuwekeza kwa watu unaowahudumia. Mkataba huu ni kati ya uwekezaji mkubwa kwa Benki ya CRDB kwani si wahitimu peke yao watakaonufaika bali wafanyakazi wao, familia hata ndugu, jamaa na marafiki zao,” amesema Kimario.
Mwanzilishi na Mwenyekiti wa Bodi ya SUGECO naye, Dkt Anna Temu alikumbusha namna walivyouanzisha ushirika huo ambao mpaka sasa umewaneemesha maelfu ya wahitimu wa SUA kwa kuwaongezea maarifa juu elimu waliyoipata darasani.

“Kwa kuwa sisi tunawahudumia zaidi vijana na wanawake, tuliona CRDB Bank Foundation wenye Program ya Imbeju ni wabia muhimu wa kufikisha malengo yetu kwa jamii,” amesema Dkt Anna.